Interviewed by GBS , June.25.2021


Hello, I’m Mister Joshooa


Q: Analog or Digital? And why?

Well if you are referring to djing then analog, no question. If you're referring to production the answer is also analog. The magic is in the imperfections and anomalies that only analog can provide. 

Q: What’s your favorite city and why does it stand out from the rest?

Favorite city is definitely Detroit. The way music is ingrained into the foundation of the city is like nowhere else. You can almost taste it, and its tastes good, real good


Q: If you were to have a superpower, what would it be and why?

Teleportation so I could go back to my home planet and say what up to my bestie.  


Q: If you had to play 1 more track at your favorite club, what track would it be and why?

The Bird by Morris Day and the Time. That track just Makes everyone happy  

Q: What makes a DJ set standout from the rest?

Versatility, patience and gain staging.  

Q: 1 person you’d dream to have a coffee with?

Your mom . Ha!

Q: If you would have been given the chance to do a film score from the past, what movie would you choose and why?

Pee Wee's Big Adventure. That movie is psychotic as fuck and would do well with some freeky synths.


Q: Recommend a hidden gem in your home country that would fit a perfect rave?

Hidden gem in my country would be Midwest sarcasm. Everyone's always fucking with everyone. Everythings a lie, in an honest sort of way. Shit is tight at raves and such.  

Q: What’s an album that got you into electronic music?

Josh Wink , higher state of consciousness

Q: Tell us about your upcoming releases and plans for this year.

Feature on Ataxia's album on life and death. A split EP on Detroit's Cryovac Records.Co-produced a track with my guy Jeremy Kypta for the next Infolines releaseAppearing on an upcoming 20/20 Vision VA

Q: Tell us a fun fact about yourself that most of your listeners don’t know.

My toes are very crooked and strange looking. You can watch me touch them for a Dollar.


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