• A B O U T
  • P O D C A S T
  • I N T E R V I E W S
  • M U S I C
  • C O N T A C T



Q: Please introduce yourself

Hi, I’m Nikos. Some of my friends call me Nixxie, hence where I got my artist name from. I live mostly in Greece between Mykonos and Athens, but I also spend a lot of time in Cyprus, and occasionally N17 in London. 

Q: One person you'd dream to have a coffee with?

I find nowadays that I have a lot of time for comedians; perhaps that’s because the ones I follow are so gifted, they seem to have transcended into the realms of philosophy, their social critiques and musings offering such artfully delivered commentaries on the world we live in, all the while making me laugh and cry at the same time. I’d be happy to share coffee with someone like Jim Jefferies, Louis CK or Bill Burr. Will Ferrell has been on my “if I could meet anyone” bucket list for more than a decade. Oh, you said ONE didn’t you? Haha sorry...


Q: If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

One of my favourite movies is Jim Jarmusch’s Only Lover’s Left Alive. Tilda Swinton’s character is able to read books by simply stroking their pages (regardless of their language). Yes please! 

Q: If given the opportunity to create a film score, which movie would you choose and why?

Well... since I just mentioned him, any Jarmusch movie (future or existing). Or perhaps I’d enjoy taking on something fun and vibrant, like the new Gladiator or Cruella. 

Q: Who has been the most influential in your music career? And who has been the most influential in your personal life?

I’ve been asked this before and while I really want to remain consistent and say all sort of heavy metal-related things, this time I’m going to focus on Massive Attack and The Prodigy (and if you ask me in a week I’m saying Notorious BIG and Nirvana).At home it’s definitely been my dear mom and dad (aka Kaiti and George Iatrou) <3 

Q: Could you share with us your journey – the good and bad experiences that have brought you to where you are today?

I recently was on a kind of working-holiday on a Greek island called Patmos. One evening, I decided that it would be fun to go explore the old town with my friend Softoo. The town is perched upon a hilltop, and on that particular night was mysteriously enveloped in a large low-lying cloud. Once we got past the multitude of busy bars and cafés, we eventually got lost in these beautiful narrow streets. It was the kind of lost where you never feel too stressed about it, safe in the knowledge that you will eventually find your way, and that it’s fine to enjoy the momentary adventure that presented itself.You could say this is where I find myself these days, generally speaking. 

Q: Everyone goes through ups and downs, what’s one habit you adopt to push through the downs?

I’ve been doing my best to integrate gratitude into my everyday life, since the practice of giving thanks seems to enhance the highs and soften the lows. 

Q: What is one pro work ethic that you would recommend to the readers/listeners?

Find a way to carve out time for all the things that will make you your most productive self: sleep, recreation, focus, and self-care; perhaps not all in equal measure, but none to be neglected.

Q: How has your music style evolved over the years?

Well, I’ve gone through various stages of denial regarding my music. Mostly, I’m aware that while a lot of my ideas might be good (at least to me), I have a long way to go before I can say my attempts are doing them any serious justice. So, the “evolution” as you say is all about my mindset changing and accepting the things that I can do now, as well as the promise of what I will do tomorrow, if that makes sense. 

Q: If you were to venture into another music genre, which one would you choose and why?

I already follow a lot of genres, and that’s largely down to my own curiosity as well as being open to what my friends have to offer. For example, my dear buddies Loukas (aka The Zombie) and Crazy Mike have opened up the doors of jazz to me. Djordje (aka Satori) the world of ethnic or “world” music; Manuel (Fischer) and Mattze (Millhoff) the worlds of experimental, ambient, broken beat; Alex Dallas, Stefano Ritteri, Andreas “Acidfox”, Ozan, Nils and many others have also played their part. It seems like I’m surrounded by these ultra-knowledgeable aficionados, and from each of them I’ve gained incredible windows into new musical worlds.Back when I was younger, I used to run a little music blog called It’s Fluffy, which also helped me delve deeper.

Q: Could you name 3 tracks that got you into electronic music and why?

Tha by Aphex Twin – because it never ever gets old, no matter how many times I hear it

No Good (Start The Dance) by The Prodigy – because back in 1996 I had it on a tape in my car’s cassette player, and I’d blast it driving through London up to Kentish Town to hang with Eric and Oli.

Daydreaming by Massive Attack – because “my 8K rig goes boom-boom, my 8K rig goes BOOM” (I still can’t get over this vibe)


Q: Can you recommend a hidden gem in your home country that would be perfect for a rave?

Arletta – To Bar To Navagio


Q: Could you tell us about your upcoming releases and plans for the year?

Well let’s see: I have 2 new tracks under my more ambient alter ego Bruno Mati, and two Nixxie releases called Mis Mis and Mana Mia coming soon.  

Q: Can you share a fun fact about yourself that most of your listeners are probably unaware of?

I seem to be a little overly obsessed with cats. I’m surprised I didn’t choose a cat-related super-power now that I mention it. Can I please read books with one touch AND speak cat? Thanks!